

ataripacmanPacman is one of the games that everyone has heard of and almost everyone has played. In pacman you have 5 lives, the aim is to eat all the dots and not let the ghosts kill you. In each corner of the maze there is a larger dot, by eating this dot you will be able to eat the ghosts and gain more score. Once you have eaten all the dots the level resets etc. until you have no lives left. Game modes include:

  • One player
  • Two players


I gave this game an 8.5/10 because its a classic game but it could  do with more game modes.



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images (2)Breakout is one of the more fiddly Atari games. It is one of the few Atari games which use the paddles. In breakout you have a brick wall at the top of the screen (see screenshot below) and you at the bottom, you have five balls. The aim of Breakout is to destroy all of the bricks. Each layer of bricks will play a different note, the higher the note the greater the score but the annoying thing is, the higher the note the greater the speed of the ball.This makes the game very difficult because the paddles tend to jerk around a bit. In breakout we have the following game types,AtariPaddles

  • One player
  • Two Player
  • Co-op
  • Breakthrough


I gave this game a 7/10 because it is a classic but I found it a bit too fiddly. Overall it is a fun game you just have to get used to it.



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Space Invaders


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This is one of the classic Atari 2600 games, its definitely a MUST for every Atari collector. The Atari version of Space Invaders, while not having as good graphics as the arcade version, has  pretty awesome game modes. You can have

  • One player
  • Two player
  • Co-op
  • Wavy bullets
  • moving barriers
  • invisible invaders 
  • crazily fast bullets

You can also have a mix of the above, but trust me you will never get sick of these combinations! 



We gave this brilliant game a 9 because of its many game modes, awesome game play and of course its a classic!



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Atari 2600 Game Review – Phoenix


The game phoenix was made in 1982, It is a shoot em up game much similar to Galaga but much simpler. The game has 5 levels which we found reasonably difficult to complete, especially the last level!, but I wont give that away.

TIP: pulling the joystick DOWN will activate a shield, while the shield is activated you will not be able to move for around 5 seconds! Although you can get stuck in a bad spot and it wont end up helping!

You start with 4 lives and once you complete the 5th level it goes back to the first level etc. until you run out of lives.


Overall we give this game a 6.5/10 because while the game play is really good, there are only limited levels that are all the same. We really found that once you finished the 5 levels it got a bit repetitive.



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