
Atari 2600 Game Reviews

consoleThe Atari 2600 is the classic retro console.Released in the late 70s, it is one of the most successful consoles ever with a successful run of over 14 years!

We recently purchased a second hand console, a 2600 Vader, that’s the black model shown here. We picked up a free CRT TV at a local antique shop, and we got an awesome setup for around $100. Our console came with 5 games and we are already planning to buy many more.

Our advice for anyone interested in the 2600 is BUY THE CONSOLE! Don’t mess with emulators or modern remakes, its just not the same – the feel of the controllers, the look on the small CRT screen, the sound out of the small speakers – fantastic. We also have a 360 and a PS3, they are great machines, but its nice to have the classic and it stacks up pretty well against those consoles.

So we’ve setup this BLOG to review the games as we get them. If you have any favourites let us know we might add them to our next purchase.

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