

images (2)Breakout is one of the more fiddly Atari games. It is one of the few Atari games which use the paddles. In breakout you have a brick wall at the top of the screen (see screenshot below) and you at the bottom, you have five balls. The aim of Breakout is to destroy all of the bricks. Each layer of bricks will play a different note, the higher the note the greater the score but the annoying thing is, the higher the note the greater the speed of the ball.This makes the game very difficult because the paddles tend to jerk around a bit. In breakout we have the following game types,AtariPaddles

  • One player
  • Two Player
  • Co-op
  • Breakthrough


I gave this game a 7/10 because it is a classic but I found it a bit too fiddly. Overall it is a fun game you just have to get used to it.



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